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My studies began in 1957, with classes in book-binding. After graduating in Philosophy from the Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras “Sedes Sapientiae” da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (1966-69), I turned my attention again to art and attended the influential Escola Brasil: (1971-73) a pioneering art school which emphasized experiential learning through direct contact with accomplished artist-teachers. It took another 18 years to integrate both areas in a form that would satisfy my needs of cognitive questioning and aesthetic manifestation in a much-diversified form:

Bookart, Silk Art,  Visual Recitations", and Installations.



From 1984  to 86 I participated in the  course Advanced Studies in the Person Centered Approach with Rachel Rosenberg, Ph.D. and John Keith Wood, Ph.D who became my soul mate. We mapped together an immense inner territory colored by love, trust, presence and holistic dreams. I participated with him in hundreds of workshops in the Person Centered Approach, learning from the master how to facilitate investigative and collaborative processes ...I translated his articles and short stories ...this approach runs in my entrails ...itis transparent in my art way of being nd dreaming!


Since then, we have been living and caring for a rural property in Brazil, directing a study project and interdisciplinary practices at Estancia Jatobá, a mini basin of 84 hectares in the interior of Sao Paulo. The property includes a Private Reserve of Natural Heritage (RPPN) , officially  recognized by the Federal Agency IBAMA, in 2000, in perpetuity; tho goal is to protect and augment the natural forest, preserve biodversity  and the integrity of the ecosystem, practicing sustainable agriculture, and fostering environmental education. The project emphasizes inter-cultural understanding as well as the cultivation of an esthetic consciousness that allows the land “to speak for itself”.  He passed away in 2004 an inspiring vision for this land and  beautiful words to sustain it. At his memorial in San Francisco I heard about the conference was my first year at the Bioneers... finding my flock helped me sustain what was dreamed together. I continued to participate (2005,6,7,8, 12, 18), and attend other courses and conferences to advance the systemic thinking and an ecoliterate world view like  Schumacker College, UK (2012, 13) Cultivating an Ecoliterate Worldview: Person, Place and Practice.



             BOOKART- To look inside for what I really think about a chosen subject is a big step for understanding myself and the subject. And searching for the best format to express it, is the exciting process that allows me to discover territories beyond the place where I have started, the surprise of see it coming through my hands and "perhappiness" being able to communicate it to others. They turned out to be the best map or directory to access my memory, the stored knowledge. Each one became a kind of landmark of a bigger area that congealed information and direct experience, where I can always come back - my memory theater. Shape and meaning develop together, one eliciting the other; artist and reader are part of the art; each reading/conversation becomes a ceremony appropriate for the moment.  Some of my one-of-a-kind Books, Multi-Faceted Fans, and other original structures and small editions have been purchased and added to permanent art collections of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York, the New York Public Library, the Yale Art and Architecture Library, the Fan Museum in London and other significant archives.



VISUAL RECITATIONS reviving an old tradition - the “sarau”, cultural gatherings to elicit conversation and meditation, where I could integrate

painting, sculpture, poetry and theater, in an event that widen the boundaries of art and life, showing a work whose emphasis is the experience of transformation and the potential of combinations …in Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and the United States, as well as Brazil,  extending the oral narrative tradition through its own roots: images and words.

AMBIENTATION, GATHERINGS OF RE CREATION, painted silks, books, assemblages to created scenarios that aims to facilitate fruition, learning,

discovery and the integration of cognitive, affective and aesthetic dimensions, like the “Tents of Understanding”, 1997, at the  

VI Holístic and Transpersonal International Congress, Lindóia, SP, Brasil,

 COLLECTIVE BOOKS– since the nineties I  have invited people to generate the “pages” of a “book” around themes of common interest. These books

have been created in the public square, the library, through the post office and during travels. Documentation available on request.



ART AND CULTURE, with the isolation of pandemic times, and the immersion on the legacy that at this point

merges with the  purpose,it seemed natural to create virtual pages in a book of the House The virtual world is the opposite context for my work, that is designed to be touched, discovered, revealed, transformed ...what happened from this intimate relation with nature were 

"natural pages", sculptures  made from dryed palm leaves, that became the blog's main subject.

OFFICIAL SITE, I worked for two years ...launched in October 2021; I am now translating it to English is never complete!


Lucila Machado Assumpção



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